Hi. I'm Aubrey. (2).png

Registered nutritionist, perinatal fitness coach, lactation counselor, kangaroula, and advocate for women as they make the journey into motherhood. Specializing in perinatal and pediatric nutrition, integrative and functional medicine, I support women like you in improving your health, cycles, and fertility so you can have a healthy pregnancy and reduce your risk of complications and preterm delivery. I support women like you so you can thrive postpartum as you transition into motherhood. I support women like you who want to get your little one off to the right start with nutrition and health. I support women like you who are struggling with the anxiety of a child who isn’t growing as expected. I support women like you who are looking for the motherhood village.

I’m a mother to four beautiful earth-side babes and four angels I have yet to meet. My matrescence has been different for each child and full of shifts and challenges I could have never imagined. I became a “member” of groups I never intended to join - The Miscarriage Club; The NICU Team; The Premie Club; The Pre-eclampsia Group; The Feeding-Tube Club; The C-section Group; The VBAC Team; The PPA, PPD, and PTSD Club; The Secondary Infertility Group; The Exclusive Pumping Club, and more.

Becoming a mother has been one of the most beautiful, trying, exhausting, exhilarating, humbling, terrifying, and rewarding things I’ve ever experienced. It is my absolute honor and pleasure to support other women in this journey.

#tonourishthebabynourishthemother #mothernotmartyr #commondoesntmeannormal
